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Webinar Medical Cannabis & ESG
Monday July 11th @ 10am EST Register for the Webinar by clicking here How ESG can secure Malta's positioning as a strategic hub in the...
Report: "What models for the regulation of adult-use cannabis in Europe?
While addressing debates that are going in the wrong direction and questions that are not being asked, this new report covers in detail...
Recommandations - Rapport Régulation de l'usage adulte en Europe
Our latest report showcases 6 axis integrating operational recommendations for #European States willing to regulate their domestic...
Lex lata und Cannabis: Welche Optionen biete das internationale Recht? - Krautinvest 26/06/22
How can cannabis be legalized in Germany without violating the United Nations Single Convention ? A question that is currently affecting...
Rapport : « Comment légaliser le cannabis en accord avec les Conventions internationales »
Augur Associates, agence de conseil en cannabis basée à Paris, a lancé son dernier livre blanc « Comment légaliser le cannabis dans le ...
Le CBD favorise la vie sexuelle de 8 consommateurs sur 10 selon un sondage
Éviter le "coup de la panne". Selon un sondage réalisé par le cabinet de conseil Augur Associates pour la marque de CBD Yogah, la prise...
Le CBD, remède efficace contre l’anxiété sexuelle ?
Connu pour agir sur le stress et l’anxiété, le cannabidiol pourrait s’avérer utile dans le cadre de la sexualité, pour soulager ...
Enquête : CBD et vie sexuelle
Augur Associates, a cannabis consultancy, conducted a survey for the brand Yogah to find out more about the habits of CBD users in regard...
French CBD decree suspended by Council of State - Cannabis Wealth (25/01/22)
Speaking to Cannabis Wealth, Benjamin-Alexandre Jeanroy, co-founder and CEO at Paris-based Augur Associates, commented: “This is not the...
Good News For CBD Industry, France’s Highest Court Suspends Government Ban On Flowers - BusinescCann
Benjamin-Alexandre Jeanroy, of Paris-based cannabis consultancy Augur Associates, said: “This result is great news for all businesses...
European Adult-Use Cannabis Markets Should Follow A Wine –Not Pharmaceutical– Pathway - BusinessCann
Benjamin-Alexandre Jeanroy, of Paris-based cannabis consultancy Augur Associates, outlines his vision for the emerging European adult-use...
New narcotics ruling in France raises further questions on CBD decree
A new ruling in France has made an official definition of narcotics. A direct action initiative is taking place against the decree...
Overview of French Cannabis | Benjamin Alexandre Jeanroy - The Cannabis Review (12/01/2022)
On this episode, we are joined by Benjamin-Alexandre Jeanroy. Benjamin is CEO of Augur Associates, a Paris-based consulting firm focused...
La Commission Européenne retoque la France sur son projet de décret CBD - Newsweed (16/11/21)
Après sa condamnation par la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne lors de la décision Kanavape, la France a présenté à la Commission...
Cannabis Industry Fights Back Against European Commission’s CBD Missteps - BusinessCann (29/10/21)
The European Commission has been urged to stick to its guns on the status of CBD by trade groups representing hundreds of businesses...
CBD: face au succès du cannabis light à Paris, les acteurs du marché s’organisent- Le Parisien 15/09
Le premier salon du CBD s’ouvre ce week-end au Paris Event Center (XIXe). Les acteurs du marché cherchent à développer le cannabidiol,...
Professionally Cannabis Podcast with Benjamin-Alexandre Jeanroy, Co-Founder & CEO Augur Associates.
"Earlier this year, we discussed everything French Cannabis with Benjamin-Alexandre Jeanroy, the Co-Founder & CEO of Augur Associates....
La venta de cannabidiol se confirma como una tendencia en Francia - RFI (11/09/21)
L'utilisation du CBD fait depuis longtemps l'objet de controverses en France. Quelques semaines avant l'ouverture du premier salon...
The Cannabis Conversation - Episode #117 (21/06/21)
Benjamin-Alexandre Jeanroy & Aurélien Bernard, co-founders of Augur Associates, were rencently hosted by The Cannabis Conversation...
Le nouveau siècle du cannabis thérapeutique - Mayonèz Mag (30/05/21)
"Pour Benjamin-Alexandre Jeanroy, spécialiste des sujets politiques et de droits civiques liés au cannabis, « le chanvre est une plante...
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